[[en]]Portfolio + Comprehensive Education Management

[[en]]We focus on cultivating students who aim to apply to prestigious art and design universities or institutions in Europe and North America. Respecting students’ ideas and preferences, we would analyze each student’s condition thoroughly to select suitable majors and schools accordingly. Subsequently, we would help each student to build a high-quality portfolio that fulfills the intended schools’ requirements and demonstrates the unique creative characteristics of the student. We would be responsible throughout the entire application process and accompany students through each segment. Our faculty members, all graduated from top art and design universities in Europe and North America, have over 20 art educational backgrounds. With their personal experiences and professional knowledge, our faculty members would fully dedicate to leading our students into their dream schools and preparing them for their future careers.
[[zh]]作品集与综合升学管理 - 专注于培育有志向升请欧美艺术设计名校的学子,尊重学生意向与喜好,根据学生的综合情况帮助分析选择适合的专业与学校,并根据学生特色及意向学校要求打造出赋有专业素养并饱含个人设计感和创造力的作品集,全程跟踪管理. 我们的师资团队皆是欧洲和北美艺术设计名校出身的教育领域精英, 拥有超20艺术教育背景,将全力奉献领域内的个人经历和专业知识, 㩦手带领你进入梦想大学,并为从事创意职业做好准备.

[[en]]What is a portfolio?[[zh]]什么是作品集?

[[en]]Portfolio is the resume for applying for art school. It shows your creative process, personality and overall skill level. 

[[en]]The core of a portfolio is “inventiveness.” It should show your unique design ideology, a clear and memorable artistic style, also your ability to create and invent. It should illustrate your understanding of the professional artistic process like your iteration method, inspirations and such. It should also demonstrate you have the skill to apply your artistic knowledge through software, design and/or narrative. 

[[en]]Grduated Students[[zh]]OFFER 学员

Katrina Xiao

[[en]]Architectural Design[[zh]]建筑设计
[[en]]With scholarships totalling $120,000USD

Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基梅隆大学
University of Southern California 南加州大学
Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亚理工大学
Syracuse University 雪城大学
Pratt Institute 普瑞特艺术学院
University of Waterloo  加拿大滑铁卢大学
University of Toronto 加拿大多伦多大学

Angelina Sun


OCAD University 安大略艺术设计大学
Emily Carr 艾米丽卡尔艺术设计大学

Xiaoming Huang

[[en]]Interior and Spatial Design[[zh]]室内与空间设计

University of the Arts London 英国伦敦艺术大学

Yuting Ma

[[en]]Media and Communication[[zh]]传媒设计

Kingston University London 英国金士顿大学

Xintong Ding

[[en]]Fashion Design[[zh]]时尚设计

Fashion Institute of Technology 纽约时装技术学院

[[en]]About Our Portfolio Program[[zh]]我们的特色

[[en]]All instructors graduated from the world’s top design schools. We have instructors form fields ranging from Architecture, Graphics Design, Game Design and more. Each student will be led by multiple instructors and will have diverse learning opportunities that are tailor made to fit the student's needs. On top of improving the student’s artistic skills, we also help students to analyse their programs, build their portfolios and provide assistance for application so they can start strong on their post secondary journey. 

[[en]]Admissions Officer Visiting R&C Academy To Critique Student Portfolio[[zh]]招生官亲临学校指导学生作品集

[[en]]Our Professional Instructors[[zh]]专业导师团队