Ray Liu


[[en]]Education Background[[zh]]学术背景​

[[en]]Ph.D. in Art Education - University of Victoria, Canada

[[en]]Master of Design - University of Edinburgh

[[en]]Bachelor of Art & Design - Shanghai University

[[en]]An excellent tutor with an outstanding art background. Varied study experiences cross from China, Europe, and North America. A talent with backgrounds of art education, fine art, art and design, and art history. A determined art educator with excellent drawing skills, and with teaching and working experiences in the fields of art and design.

[[en]]Career Background[[zh]]教育工作背景

[[en]]Founder - R&C Academy of Art + Design
[[zh]]加拿大R & C Academy of Art + Design (原Cocktail Art Academy) 创始人

[[en]]Lecture - Art College of Shanghai Normal University
[[zh]]上海师范大学美术学院 讲师

[[en]]Founder  - Shanghai Zhuozhiyun Art Centre

[[en]]Ray has a very long and successful teaching career from 2001. After he graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2007, he became a lecturer of Fine Art College of Shanghai Normal University who specializes in the subjects of fine art, art and design. Meanwhile, he started his art school - Shanghai Zhuozhiyuan Art Centre. Ray has passion towards helping students to get admission offer for Chinese art colleges, and helping students apply for famous oversea universities, such as University of Arts London, Brunel University London, Kingston University (UK). Numerous students complete their art dream through his help.
[[zh]]从2001年开始,Ray开始他的美术教育事业,并有长达20年以上的教学经验。2007年爱丁堡大学毕业回国后在上海师范大学美术学院担任基础与设计专业讲师,并继续创办自己的艺术教育培训机构上海卓之源美术培训中心。Ray专注于辅导美术高考及艺术专业出国留学申请 - 一方面培养数以百计学员成功考入艺术名校和国家985、211重点大学; 另一方面成功帮助学生申请英国伦敦艺术大学、英国布鲁内尔大学、英国金斯顿等大学研究生项目。帮助过无数学员们实现了属于自己的艺术梦想。

[[en]]After Ray immigrated to Vancouver through the program of Canadian Federal Skilled Worker, he successfully got the admission offer from Ph.D. in art education of the University of Victoria. He opened his own school R&C Academy of Art + Design. He had to give up his studies in the Ph.D. program because of the robust business development of R&C Academy of Art + Design.

[[en]]Educational philosophy[[zh]]教学理念

[[en]]Ray is not only familiar with the admission requirements for many famous art colleges in Europe and North America, but also could use the advanced teaching methodologies from those universities originated by his academic and working experiences. Meanwhile, he is good at mixing Asian arts and humanities and aesthetics into his teaching practices. His goal of teaching is to pursue mixed outcomes of aesthetic and humanity with diversity and integration.

[[en]]One of Ray’s motto is “Combination of Art and Love”- teachers should stand on students’ sides which is a key principle for helping teachers to create a thoughtful and suitable curriculum for students. Also, Ray believes that the understanding of “Oneness” has very important meaning during the study - Oneness is not singularity, it not only pursues similarity but also encourages diversity and allows differences.
[[zh]]Ray坚信“艺术与爱的融合”,亦师亦友,从每个孩子的自身出发,真正的去帮助他们,精心设计适合他们的课程规划与学习培养方案。同时“合一”也是Ray一直信奉的教育理念 - 合一不是独一,鼓励多元创造性,但又存异求同,迎向合一。

[[en]]Ray believes it is a very interesting journey for students to pursue art in their lives. Except for art knowledge, aesthetic concepts, and humanities, we also could encounter perceptions of love, oneness, etc. If we could practice all these things we learned, students probably could build certain active personalities through those practices. These wonderful experiences might produce a profound and active impact on students’ lives.  
[[zh]]Ray老师认为 - 艺术求学是孩子们在人生道路上一个有趣的经历。除了艺术知识,美学理念,人文情怀之外,我们还可以一起学习到爱、合一等理念。如果能将这些所有的东西融合在一起操练,在反复操练中养成一些积极美好的习惯,可能会对孩子的一生产生积极和深远的影响。